When I first started this blog in 2013, my blog traffic was consistent and kept growing even in the following years. Then, my picture quality wasn’t exactly great or anything, my writing wouldn’t be described as exceptional and I was practicing just basic SEO practices too. I was basically creating content, going with the flow and somehow people found my posts.
Fast forward to 2017 when I believe the blog should have improved in every angle and my blog traffic is reducing by the day instead of improving. The other day, I was complaining to a blogger friend about how inconsistent I’ve been with the blog lately.
At first, I blamed it on not having a laptop and camera (after I sold my old gear). Then I blamed it on not having a lens for my new camera after I bought a camera body (Brands take note, blogging with high quality images don’t come cheap for when next you want me to work for free to promote your brand). Now, I have a lens for my camera which I’ve used for my posts from September 2017 and I switched over to other excuses.
Same blogger friend was telling me a couple of days ago that I don’t really do personal posts like she does, hope she reads this now because I’ve gotten personal on this! This convo came up because about 2 brands asked for my media kit in 1 day and I was worried my stats have become too low to meet up with the kind of collaborations I want. I had myself to blame because I haven’t been trying lately with new content. I feel like I had one of those “rethinking blogging periods”, like is it still worth it?
Do numbers really matter for blog collaborations? Click To TweetOkay, pause for a minute let me explain something before you continue reading. I wasn’t exactly thinking of quitting blogging but I was at that relaxed point where I wasn’t bothered about not posting, blog traffic, blog comments, social media follower count, etc.
The wake up call came after reading the emails from those brands asking for my stats then a 3rd brand looked at my Instagram (@modavracha) with only 5.5k+ followers on same day and said “we see you’re up and coming just like us” and it hit me, it will continue like this if I don’t do something. I’ve always concentrated on my blog traffic and growth more than my Instagram account but I’m beginning to think I need to pay attention and try to grow it too.
Is it just me or do you think of all these too? I will really like to hear opinions from both bloggers and regular readers. How do you rate a blogger who’s been in the scene for more than 2 years and still has a certain amount of followers on their Instagram. Do you find yourself asking why or see them as lesser than the bloggers with higher numbers?
This is what happens when you ignore your blog for months! Click To TweetI’m not the best at these personal type of posts but I could clearly see how I’ve been killing my blog traffic by myself over the last few months. I mean, I don’t even see my regular readers in the comments anymore. Are you still there? Ha! Tell me it’s all in my head and you still visit the blog.
3 Ways I Killed My Blog Traffic
1. I started my housemanship (the obligatory 1 year medical internship in Nigeria to get practicing license. If you know anything about housemanship in Nigeria you’ll know how stressful it can be. Combining it with your day to day activities is hard enough so, that contributed to my ignoring the blog.
Before you say, “awww! I don’t blame you”, Cassie (fellow doctor and blogger) continued creating content for her blog despite the stress of housejob (as its popularly known). She even documented her experience with housemanship in Nigeria throughout the 1 year. Not to compare or anything, looking back now, I’m beginning to think that I was only hiding behind the stress of housejob. If someone else can do it in even harsher working conditions, what’s my excuse?
2. I sold off my cameras without having a replacement ready. I even spent part of the money for a replacement before it was time, which led to me delaying the lens after I bought a camera body. We all know a good camera is very essential for a fashion and lifestyle blog. Thinking of this excuse, I see now that I could have contacted and collaborated with other Abuja bloggers or photographers in Abuja but no, I hid in my closet.
3. I stopped re-sharing old blog posts on social media like I used to. I even reduced my pinning rate meanwhile my Pinterest is my no.1 referral. Talk about not taking my own advice, I mean…I always talk about how to improve your blog traffic, etc on my blogging tips posts. Those tips have been working for me over the years but somehow I just got carried away.
Can this blogger's reasons keep you away from consistent blogging? #bloggers #blogging Click To TweetThe only good thing that came out from this inconsistency on the blog is that I managed to offer some of my blog services in between. I noted Nigerian brands I’ll like to work with, places in Abuja I’ll like to visit, etc. While they’re still in the works, I’m glad I’ll be collaborating with some brands in the coming weeks especially Nigerian skincare brands. Check out this colorful cupcake-inspired soap made in Nigeria and this dessert inspired scented candles, wouldn’t you like to see more of these yummy looking skincare products on the blog?
This blogger's choices killed her blog traffic, don't be like her! #bloggers #blogging Click To TweetNow that I’m done blaming myself, please reassure me that you’ll still be reading my posts in the comments. I actually need to know I haven’t lost my readers by being inconsistent with blogging lately. As for improving the blog traffic that I’ve killed, I’ll take it one day at a time. Also, feel free to mention any brand you will love to see me work with on the blog.
Phew, I feel relieved! Who needs therapy sessions when I’ve got you guyz? Lol
I know brands judge by numbers, etc. but I don’t – and I don’t think other readers should either. It should be whether you like the blog’s content or not, you know? I’ve been blogging for 10 years now and I’m nowhere near other blogs that have been blogging for less and who are doing this full time or making lots of money. I am working on growing my viewership and numbers though – it just takes time and dedication. 🙂
Thank you for such an informative post. I learnt a lot. I have learnt too that we shouldn’t stress the small things. Sometimes life gets in the way and we have to put the blog on the side and that is OK.
Welcome by and join my brand-new Thursday Moda linkup which just went live. Thanks! Have a Lovely Weekend! Ada. =)