I’ve been using avocado oil for hair and skin since discovering it few weeks after my post on necessary natural hair products. I prefer the effects to coconut oil (*reviewed). I know we all tend to love most of our new products better than old ones especially if they turned out good but i’m not just saying i like avocado oil because of that.
I’ve always loved avocado pear since i was a kid, i loved eating rice with it, eating it alone with a little sprinkle of salt and also using it as a spread for my bread instead of margarine, jam,etc.
As a teenager, i tried out several home-made facial masks with avocado pears. Sadly, the variety i love very much isn’t in Ukraine and the ones here are too expensive to indulge in all of my old avocado habits.
I started using avocado oil on my hair before i tried it on my body. The first time, i used it together with a conditioner and was amazed at the result because i noticed my hair doesn’t really accept oils so i use very minimal amount of oils on my hair.
How I Use Avocado Oil For Hair and Skin
- I use it on my hair together with other pre-poo (preshampoo treatment) oils especially tea tree or rosemary oil and olive oil or jojoba oil and sometimes shea butter and coconut oil.
- I add it to my hair conditioner while washing my hair sometimes to enhance their moisturizing effect.
- I use it separately as a second conditioner before final rinse.
- I use it as a moisturizer subsequently on my dry hair.
- I add it to my body lotions and creams to enhance their moisturizing effect and to avoid ashy knees and elbows.
- I apply it alone on my skin just before stepping out to re-moisturize on days that i’m wearing short outfits.
Effect of Avocado Oil On Hair and Skin
- Detangles hair without a slippery feel.
- Moisturizes both wet and dry hair without feeling heavy.
- Moisturizes skin as it has the ability to penetrate the epidermis.
- Improves the look of scars on the skin even though it doesn’t completely clear them.
I love the effect of avocado oil on my hair and skin. It moisturizes my skin best after i have already used a body cream, my skin absorbs oils best after i have used a cream if not, the oil stays shiny on my skin for a while.
Avocado oil works best on my hair as a prepoo product, for detangling and conditioner enhancer, i can’t say it replaces traditional conditioners, it simply enhances them so you will still need your conditioner for more long lasting moisturizing.
Review of Avocado Oil For Hair and Skin
- Price
- Preshampoo treatment
- Moisturizing Effect on Hair
- Moisturizing Effect on Skin
- Conditioner Enhancer
- Effect on Scars
- Availability
- Fragrance-free
- Lightweight
Love it, i always have a spare bottle.
User Review
( vote)Avocado oil found in Ukraine
At first, a friend helped me get a couple of bottles of the Now Solutions avocado oil from Usa, then i started buying from Watsons in Ukraine (in Kharkov, you can find one in the same shopping center as cilpo at botanichnisad where the privat bank is situated) but i prefer the ones from Now Foods, luckily for me i found it on iHerb.
I bought a whole bunch of stuffs from them while in Ukraine, teas, oils, hair products, skincare products, etc at their regular prices or local currency equivalent (slightly cheaper option) with free shipping or $8 Dhl flat rate shipping for orders $40 and above with only 3-5 business days delivery to Ukraine, amazing right? You can see all brands they carry here.
Where to buy Avocado Oil
Depending on your location, you can buy at iHerb (use my code RNT060 to get 5% off your order), first time customers can choose one of these free items. or Drugstore where i bought my initial ones from Usa.
What are some of your favorite hair and skin oils?
Thanks for stopping by as always